About Us
A design-build company based on people.
Hutch Design is a family owned business. Metal fabrication has been in our family for four generations starting with John Henry Chasteen who started his own blacksmith shop in Fairpaly, SC in 1931. After many years of fathers training sons and grandfathers training grandsons, Chad Hutchins became owner in 2003. Today Hutch Design continues to provide metalwork of the highest caliber.
We would like to thank our family, friends, and customers who consistently inspire us, drive us to new heights, and allow us to pour into their lives the wonderful art of fine metalwork.
“Iron seems a simple metal,
But in its nature are many mysteries.
And men who bend to them their minds
Shall in arriving days gather therefrom much profit.
Not to themselves alone, but to all mankind.”
– Joseph Glandwill, 1650
We never forget where we came from, never lose sight of where we're going.